We are are a micro content agency consisting of artists, filmmakers and storytellers with expertise in mobile @ the speed of social. We craft videos & visuals that compel followers to engage, share, and purchase.
Each ? “SoMo” (what we lovingly call our short films and animations) delivers stellar, bite-sized campaigns and one-offs to a variety of social mobile and digital media channels. SOCIAL MOTION MEDIA aligns directly with your brand or in collaboration with ad agencies and marketing departments.
JENNIFER JEAN MAWBY — Creative Director/Partner is a social media expert, visual artist and experimental filmmaker. Jennifer holds a Master of Fine Arts Honours degree, and was selected to launch an innovative social media project @ ISEA 2015 (International Symposium of Electronic Arts). Jennifer is also an experienced production and project manager who attended technology business school. She has worked for clients in Canada, the USA and the UK. *SoMo?Share: Jennifer modeled in Europe, North America and Japan after attending University. Do you know what “karaoke” translates to in Japanese? (And no, it’s not: “Keep the sake flowing!”)
MARK GLOVER MASTERSON — Creative Partner is an award-winning filmmaker with a penchant for lush jazz and writers who drank too much. Mark has cinema running through his veins and is an avid consumer of social media. His debut doc, Big Band Boom!, was produced for Bravo and NFB Canada, and features singer Michael Bublé in his first national TV appearance. He has also produced narrative & factual features with the most recent, Joybubbles, set for release in early ’17. A kid’s picture book is also in the works. *SoMo?Share: Mark’s fav film is 1969’s Midnight Cowboy. What’s it famous for? (Hint: X marks the spot!)