We are a creative micro content agency based in Vancouver, Canada consisting of artists, filmmakers and raconteurs with expertise in mobile @ the speed of social. We craft videos & visuals that compel new followers and existing customers to engage, revisit and spread the potent digital word.
Each ? “SOMO” (what we lovingly call our short films & animations) delivers stellar, thoughtful, bite-sized campaigns and one-offs to a variety of social mobile and digital media channels. SOCIAL MOTION MEDIA aligns directly with your brand or in collaboration with ad agencies and marketing departments.
JENNIFER JEAN MAWBY — Creative Director/Partner is a social media expert, visual artist and experimental filmmaker. Jennifer holds a Master of Fine Arts Honours degree, and was selected to launch an innovative social media project @ ISEA 2015 (International Symposium of Electronic Arts). Jennifer is also an experienced project & social content manager who attended business school for technology. She has worked for clients in Canada, the USA and the UK. *SOMO SHARE: Jennifer modeled in Europe, North America and Japan after attending University. Do you know what “karaoke” translates to? (Hint: It’s not “Keep the sake flowing!”)
MARK GLOVER MASTERSON — Creative Partner is an award-winning filmmaker with a penchant for lush jazz and writers who drank too much. Mark has cinema running through his veins and is an avid consumer of social media. He is a Master of Arts degree student in Global Film & TV and holds a diploma in Broadcasting. His debut doc, Big Band Boom!, was produced for Bravo and NFB Canada, and features a then unknown singer named Michael Bublé in his first national TV appearance. He has also produced narrative & factual features and has recently published his first children’s picture book (www.thelightincy.com). *SOMO SHARE: Mark’s fav film is 1969’s Midnight Cowboy. What is it famous for? (Hint: X marks the spot!)